Permutation Patterns 2012

Call for Papers: PP2012 Special Volume

We are happy to announce that the Permutation Patterns 2012 Proceedings will be published as a special issue of the journal "Pure Mathematics and Applications" (Pu.M.A.) with guest editors Anders Claesson and Sergey Kitaev.

All papers related to the topic of permutations patterns are welcomed, regardless of whether they were presented at the conference.

The deadline for submissions is December 20th, 2012.

To submit a paper to the proceedings, please send it as a pdf file to Sergey Kitaev at Papers submitted for this special issue will be refereed by two anonymous referees, according to the usual standards of Pu.M.A. As usual, the submission of an article implies that the work has not been previously published nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Best regards,
Anders Claesson and Sergey Kitaev